“Visit all Expedition Outposts”

Season 7, Week 7 Challenges were released on January 17th, 2019.

One of the challenges is to "Visit all Expedition Outposts". This is the only challenge this week that really needs a guide.

The expedition outposts were added at the beginning of season 7. By now, you surely have seen these outposts, several of them have airplanes parked nearby.

Below is an overview map with the seven expedition outpost locations, and below that each individual one shown with exact map position.

1. Expedition Outpost just north of the soccer stadium, in Grid B5.

2. Expedition Outpost just north of Pleasant Park, in Grid D3.

3. Expedition Outpost just west of Tomato Temple, and south of Lazy Links, in Grid F3.

4. Expedition Outpost just west of Lonely Lodge, in Grid I5.

5. Expedition Outpost just west of Dusty Divot, in Grid F5.

6. Expedition Outpost just west of Paradise Palms, in Grid H8.

7. Expedition Outpost north of Happy Hamlet, in Grid D8.

You got it Bucko!